Suggestions for improving Amicus Attorney.

Abacus encourages and welcomes your suggestions for the improvement of Amicus Attorney, and thanks you for all of your ideas. You agree that in making those suggestions you recognize that Abacus is not obligated to compensate you for them, and that any intellectual property in them passes to Abacus. You also commit that in providing Abacus with any such suggestions you are not infringing anyone else’s intellectual property, and will indemnify Abacus and its employees, officers, directors, and affiliated companies, for all claims, damages, losses, liabilities, costs and expenses should it ever be held liable for using your suggestions.

Portal: Provide email notification to client when something is added to the portal

The portal is a great way to communicate, but client's do not get notified when something is added to the portal (bills, notes, dates, etc). It would be great to ...
Suggested by: Jeffery Crampton (09 Jul, '18) Upvoted: 17 Apr, '23 Comments: 2
Planned Client Portal

Allow multiple documents or events to be added to portal at one time

I sometimes receive multiple documents that I would like to allow the client to have access to but I have to go through each individually to add them to the portal. ...
Suggested by: Richard Mann (02 Sep, '19) Upvoted: 17 Apr, '23 Comments: 0

Portal: Allow Client to Fund Trust

The portal is great for allowing clients to pay their bills via APX, but clients should also be allowed to fund their Trust Accounts via the pay tab on the portal.
Suggested by: Jeffery Crampton (09 Jul, '18) Upvoted: 28 Jun, '23 Comments: 0
Under consideration Client Portal

Open Client Portal to non-clients

the client portal is limited to clients...but i have realtors and Mortgage Brokers that i would like to have access to the file for keeping up to date...why is it ...
Suggested by: Brian (07 Mar, '19) Upvoted: 08 Aug, '23 Comments: 0
Under consideration Client Portal

Client Portal - notify when client has not been active

Client portal - it would be helpful if it was possible to set up an automatic reminder if a client has not logged in to it's client portal system for a period of time ...
Suggested by: K. (25 Sep, '18) Upvoted: 25 Sep, '18 Comments: 0
Under consideration Client Portal